Call for paper (Download here)

Topic of interest:

The ICIVP 2025 will present the most recent and exciting advances in Image and  Video Processing through keynote talks. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers on relevant algorithms and applications including, but not limited to:  


1. Image Processing:
Image enhancement
Image segmentation
Image filtering and restoration
Morphological processing
Image compression, coding, and encryption
Image data structures for computer graphics
Image generation, acquisition, and processing
Image geometry and multi-view geometry

2. Video Processing and Analysis:
Video stabilization and tracking
Motion estimation and compensation
Action recognition and classification
Deep Learning for Image and Video Processing:

Feature Extraction and Representation:

Feature detection (e.g., Harris corner detection, SIFT, SURF)
Feature descriptors (e.g., Scale-Invariant Feature Transform, Local Binary Patterns)

4. Object Detection and Recognition:

Object detection methods (e.g., Viola-Jones, R-CNN, YOLO)
Object recognition techniques (e.g., template matching, deep learning-based approaches)

5. Deep Learning for Image and Video Processing:

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image classification and segmentation
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks for video analysis
Generative models (e.g., GANs) for image synthesis and enhancement

7. Applications of Image and Video Processing:

Medical image analysis
Surveillance and security (e.g., face recognition, anomaly detection)
Augmented reality and virtual reality
Remote sensing and satellite image analysis